$2,000 - OBACHAN
8 tickets to select performances
Complimentary in-world beverages
Unlimited attendance at test audience performances
Invitation to opening and/or closing celebrations
Logo and/or name recognition on marketing materials, social media, in emails, and on the ZOTTO website.
Framed poster signed by the full cast
Personalized Q and A after show Happy Hour with Japanese Arts Network Director Courtney Ozaki and members of creative team.
A 3-hour company party/event at the Savoy Denver in 2023 ($1,800 value, date to be mutually agreed upon, alcohol not included)
$1,000 - KAIBYO
4 tickets to select performances
Complimentary in-world beverages
Up to 10 tickets to test audience performances
Invitation to opening and/or closing celebrations
Logo and/or name recognition on marketing materials, social media, in emails, and on the ZOTTO website
Framed poster signed by the full cast.
$500 - KAPPA
2 tickets to select performances
Up to 10 tickets to test audience performances
Invitation to opening and/or closing celebrations
Logo and/or name recognition on marketing materials, social media, in emails, and on the ZOTTO website